If this sounds like you...

💯you possess a burning PASSION to grow your audience and scale your IMPACT 

💯you feel lost in the vast sea of podcasting information

💯you’re a VISIONARY with BIG goals but your limiting beliefs are holding you back 

💯you’re full of IDEAS but lack the knowledge to execute them

 And you’re ready to...

💯launch, monetize, and SCALE your podcast to the level you’ve been envisioning 

💯share your unique voice and wisdom with the world

💯secure your spot in the TOP CHARTS 

💯become a podcasting senation & inspire others in the process

then this masterclass is for you. see you inside.

 Queen of Podcasting✨


My name is Kim and I am the Host of Claim Your Power PodcastI started my podcast completely from scratch in 2021 from my childhood bedroom with $0 in my bank account. 

The first year of podcasting, I felt so lost. I was averaging 15 downloads per episode and had little to no knowledge on how to grow my show.

In 2023, my podcast hit #7 on the charts, was streamed in 146 countries, and I joined Spotify’s creator community, filming LIVE at their studios.

My podcast went from a simple vision to a GLOBAL movement that has helped thousands of women feel confident, embodied & powerful.

This is *exactly* why I created Podcast Mastery. I want to show you that YOU CAN DO IT TOO!! I want to teach you all I know, help you fulfill your purpose and empower you to find your unique voice.

Purchase Now✨

Inside Podcast Mastery, you will discover my 4-Step Formula to Success🎙✨

Step 1: Envision

  • Unearth the soul of your podcast with a powerful WHY that shakes your audience 
  • Master production: recording, distribution, episode format & hosting 
  • Design cover art that doesn't just grab attention; it demands it
  • Set tangible goals and follow through with inspired action 

Step 2: Launch

  • Crack the code of analytics, downloads, and streams 
  • Forge a mindset so unshakeable, that obstacles turn into stepping stones to greatness
  • Conquer imposter syndrome
  • Break up with external validation ONCE & FOR ALL
  • Unleash your creative thunder 

Step 3: Grow

  • Build an irresistible personal brand that grows like wildfire
  • Discover your unique voice with the art of storytelling
  • Master the art of marketing: it's not about followers; it's about creating a tribe that roars
  • Organically grow your audience
  • Learn to produce top-charting episodes that provide VALUE 

Step 4: Scale

  • SEO Sorcery: optimize your podcast for search engine
  • Monetize your show like a boss
  • Unlock my secret success strategies; your podcast isn't just content, it's a legacy in the making✨


What's Included🎙

  • Podcast Mastery: 2 hour live training that will cover all you need to know to launch, grow, and scale your DREAM podcast (VALUE: $695)
  • FREE BONUS #1: Episode Planning Template: ebook with prompts I used to effectively plan top-charting podcast episodes (VALUE: $95)
  • FREE BONUS #2: Resource Directory: a curated list of essential tools, apps, and resources I recommend for podcaster (VALUE: $125)

  • FREE BONUS #3: Goal Setting & Intention Guidebook: a step by step guidebook that will help you define your podcast goals and manifest long-term success (VALUE: $105)

Valued at $1020, get it for ONLY $395 


What my listeners are saying...